Play with friends. Continue the legacy. Chatham United Soccer.

Travel Soccer

The CU Travel program is for players who are interested in playing soccer at a highly competitive level in EDP or MCYSA leagues. Our program follows the US Soccer guidelines using professionally certified coaches and is designed to challenge players across multiple seasons including tournaments.

Recreational Soccer

Chatham recreational soccer is a fun, family oriented program which provides all players the opportunity to play organized soccer, regardless of their individual abilities. Our recreational program focuses on the development of the player in a fun and inclusive environment with all games played locally in Chatham.

Chatham TOPSoccer

TOPSoccer is for youth soccer players with disabilities and emphasizes development, training, and meaningful participation rather than competition. Our goal is to enable young athletes with disabilities to develop physical fitness, technical skills, courage and self esteem, through the joy and excitement of playing soccer.


Academy style training for our youngest players in town to learn the fundamentals of soccer and be exposed to the technical aspects of the game, but allow ample opportunity to experiment, try things, and learn to make their own decisions in the games.

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Club News and Upcoming Events

Chatham United + Pre-K Kickers = Junior Academy

8 week clinic for our youngest players in town to learn the fundamentals of soccer and be exposed to the technical aspects of the game. With local legends Prek kickers running the program your player will get experienced trainers and play with their friends on Shunpike turf. Academy info here

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Menace at STA Tuneup

Sign up for Fall Technical training clinic

CUSC will host technical training this Fall season as an accompaniment to player’s regular travel training. Sessions will be grouped per age and run on 2 separate afternoons to allow any interested player to attend. The sessions will focus heavily on developing individual possession and more comfort on the ball in tight areas. Group numbers…

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Piscataway Fall Classic

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Off the Pitch September 2023

CUS – Off the Pitch 2023 September  

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Knights at the STA Tuneup

Chatham United at the 2023 STA Fall Tune-up

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Results Physical Therapy Institute
Sponsor - United Soccer Coaches
Sponsor - USA
Sponsor - Maestro
Hi-Tempo Soccer
Pre-K Kickers
Sponsor - Adidas
Team Genius

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