Coaching Recreation Soccer
The success of the Chatham United Recreation Soccer program depends on our parent volunteers. Please consider volunteering if one of the following roles to help with your child's soccer team. You do not need soccer experience and we will support you every step of the way:
Grade coordinator
- Loads schedules into team snap for the grade assigned.
- Assists in coordination with parent coaches for pinnie distribution on opening day.
- Communicates program updates or weather issues to corresponding grade.
- Communicates with Chatham United Recreation board lead for any issues related to professional trainers or parent/player concerns expressed.
(No coaching requirements for Grade Coordinator)
Parent coach
- Assist the paid trainer in skill and scrimmages during rec session.
Each team for grades K-2will have 1-2 parent coaches. (Grades 3-8 if we are doing any games against other towns)
We are looking for parent coaches for Saturday only. The weekday sessions are run solely by our professional trainers. We also handle all communication with the parents and players on where to go, what to bring, etc. All you need to do is show up on Saturday. There is no admin related to the coaching position other than picking up team jerseys and bringing them on the first Saturday. Otherwise it is just working with the players on Saturdays.
Parent Coaches will need to complete the following training before the fall season begins:
Chatham Recreation Background Check
All Parent Coaches (this includes Travel Soccer Parent Managers, Travel Soccer Assistant Parent Managers, Recreation Soccer Parent Coaches and TOPSoccer Parent Coaches) must undergo Background Checks consistent with Chatham Recreation's policy. Click here for more information. There are no exceptions to this rule and no one will be allowed to coach without undergoing the fingerprint background check and obtaining the approval of Chatham Recreation.
If you have never been through a fingerprint background check you must follow the instructions for an "Initial Background Check." If you have undergone an Initial Background Check and are up for renewal you must follow the instructions for a "Supplemental Background Check."
Please note this is a different background check than the one required when you register online with NJYS. Chatham Recreation does not accept the NJYS background check as this is not done using a fingerprint.
We do not reimburse for the cost of this town background check. This fingerprint background check covers all of the sports in Chatham and is required by Chatham Recreation.
NJYS Registration
All Parent Coaches (this includes Travel Soccer Parent Managers, Travel Soccer Assistant Parent Managers, Recreation Soccer Parent Coaches and TOPSoccer Parent Coaches) must register with US Soccer Connect.
What link should a coach use to register and submit a background check?
Coach registrations shall occur through the club platform site. For returning coaches, registered in previous seasons, please log in to your account through the “Log-In’ tab on For an instructional video, click here. If your account is unable to be found, use the ‘new coach’ registration process. For new coaches, not yet registered, please create a new account through the ‘Register’ tab on For an instructional video, click here. It is essential to complete each step shown in the videos.
If you already have an account from last year, login using that same email, otherwise create a new account. You must login using the email you had last year for all of your coaching credentials to be recognized (otherwise you will need to load them again). Complete the registration process and select Chatham United as the club when prompted. At this time, you may not have all the documents you need to upload but eventually you will need to upload your State Certificate (only for Travel and TOPSoccer coaches), Concussion Certificate, and SafeSport Certificate as well as a headshot photo. Please note that as part of this registration, NJYS will run an additional background check on you. This is different from the town’s background check above and this NJYS background check does not meet the town’s requirement.
SafeSport Training
All Parent Coaches (this includes Travel Soccer Parent Managers, Travel Soccer Assistant Parent Managers, Recreation Soccer Parent Coaches and TOPSoccer Parent Coaches) must complete the SafeSport Training Course.
What is the SafeSport training requirement for coaches?
SafeSport is an annual requirement for adult members mandated by Federal Law. NJ Youth Soccer will accept SafeSport Trained, Refresher 1, Refresher 2, or Refresher 3 certificates completed on or after June 1st this year OR Refresher 4 certificates taken at any time. The SafeSport certificates uploaded and verified for last season have been unverified and removed as of June 30th. To complete SafeSport training, click here.
Creating the safest playing environment for youth players and their families is of paramount importance to NJ Youth Soccer, US Youth Soccer and US Soccer. With that in mind, we share a reminder about the “Protecting Young Victims from Sexual Abuse and Safe Sports Authorization Act of 2017.” This content includes free education and training opportunities available to our members.
NJ Youth Soccer does strongly recommend that our members take the program provided by the US Center for SafeSport.
- US Center for SafeSport: To enroll in this program just click on the link below, click on “Sign In,” click on “Register.” When prompted, make sure to select U.S. Soccer as your NGB and then enter the access code proved below.
- To register or learn more:
- Access code: YC3E-6P5G-YYIL-CS2M (if this doesn't work email to obtain your free access code)
- In order to complete your course registration you will receive an email to confirm your email address. You must respond to this email to activate your account.
Upon completion please save your certificate since you will need to upload it during the NJYS Registration (US Soccer Connect) process. This will be loaded in the Sexual Abuse Prevention Training Document section of US Soccer Connect.
Concussion Training
All Parent Coaches (this includes Travel Soccer Parent Managers, Travel Soccer Assistant Parent Managers, Recreation Soccer Parent Coaches and TOPSoccer Parent Coaches) must complete a Concussion Training Course (click here to take required online course).
Upon completion please save your certificate since you will need to upload it during the NJYS Registration (US Soccer Connect) process (please see below). This will be loaded in the Concussion Document section of US Soccer Connect.
An alternate course ( is also available and accepted by NJYS if you are having issues with the CDC course linked above.